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Father of Geography


◆The credit goes to the inhabitants of Greece for naming geography and giving the subject a systematic form at the primary level.  

◆Hiketius in his book Jas Periodus i.e. 'Description of the Earth' first included a series of geographical elements. 

◆Geography was recognized as an independent subject for study only in the 19th century.  

◆I the early 20th century, geography developed as a study of the interrelationship between man and the environment.  

It had two ideologies



Father of geography



Father of geography in present time

Alexander von Humboldt

Father of systematic geography


Father of physical  geography


Father of cultural geography

Carl –o-savar

Founder of mathematical geography


Manufacture of world glob

Matin beham

Manufacture of world map

Anegji mandar

Geography enclycopedia


Founder of geography word


- Possibleism: According to this, man is capable of making changes in his environment and he can use many possibilities of nature as he wishes.  Supporters of this ideology are geographers - vidal - de - la blash and fabre.  

Naturalism: According to this, all human actions are determined by the environment;  Therefore, there is less freedom for humans to do something voluntarily.  The major proponents of this ideology are - Geographer Rater, Ratzel (founder of New Determinism), Alan Sempul and Huntington.

Some definition of geography

1. "Geography is an independent subject that aims to provide people with knowledge of the world, celestial bodies, land, oceans, fauna, flora, fruits and every other thing seen in the terrains." -  Strabo 

2. "Geography is the science of looking at the earth in the heavens - Caladius, Ptolemy

3." Geography is the science in which all the signs, events and its interrelations are studied while recognizing the Earth as an independent planet.  is .  "-Cal Ritter

4." Geography studies that part of the Earth, which is the place of human living.  "- Arthur Holmes

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